Are you able to give any more information to help me with choosing between the following white-on-white tallits?First I explained to Andrew that his family origins are not really consequential in buying a tallit. All Sephardic Jews tie the tzitzit the same way (except some Iraqi Jews who follow the Ben Ish Chai and a small number of Sephardim who tie 10-5-6-5 on their tallit gadol instead of 7-8-11-13).
1. Beit Yosef
2. Prima A.A. White Stripes
3. Hamefoar White Nonslip Tallit
They all seem much of a likeness to me. I am Moroccan Jewish if in any way that can help with my choice?
Thanks, Andrew H.
Really the decision is just a matter of aesthetics and personal preference.
Prima A.A. - This is the white-striped tallit you probably have seen fairly frequently. The striping and atara (neckband) are shiny.
- This tallit has the same striping and atara, but the fabric has
subtle texturing to it. This texturing gives it a slightly more supple
feel and helps the tallit stay in place on your shoulders a little
Beit Yosef
- This tallit has matte striping, on the the tallit, the atara and the
corners, which lends it a very subtle, understated beauty. The vast
majority of tallitot, including Prima A.A. and Hamefoar, have a
synthetic atara with a shiny leaf and diamond design, whereas the Beit
Yosef has a wool atara with integrated striping. The striping on the
tallit, the atara and the corners is not a different material added on,
but an integral part of the weave itself.
The blog are the best that is extremely useful to keep.i can share the ideas of the future as this is really what i was looking for,i am very comfortable and pleased to come here. thank you very much!