This week we received an inquiry from someone debating whether to buy a tallit in a size 60 or a size 70.
I think I want to order the blue Prima A.A. Tallit for weekdays and the Malchut Tallit for Shabbat. Both with thick Ashkenazi tzitzit. I am still worried over whether I should go with a size 60 or a size 70 tallit. If I get both tallits in a size 60, and I feel they are too small, can I swap for 70? Thanks, Zach.
It's a good thing Zach asked, because since we are located in Israel, returns and exchanges are
problematic. You have to pay for shipping three time (to you, back
to Israel and again to you) and we do not refund the amount for the
tzitzit we tie on. I suggested to Zach that he try to do either of the following:
1) Try to find someone with a size 60 tallit or size 70 tallit that you can try on. Remember, the difference between sizes is four inches.
Order the Prima A.A. Tallit in a size 60 and wait until it arrives. Then
decide if you want to go with a size 70 for the Malchut Tallit. It's actually
fairly common to have a slightly bigger tallit for Shabbat. The smaller
size is more practical, the larger size more elegant.
I told him that that if he wanted to go with the second plan, we could send him a coupon for free shipping on the second tallit.
Go to Tallit Size Wizard>>