Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Orthodox Tallit or Conservative Tallit?

Choosing and buying a tallit can be a fairly personal decision, so sometimes our customers...get personal.
I'd like some help on choosing a Tallit, as I am a recent convert. Probably traditional, but I need advice about options. On the Orthodox end of Conservative, but attend a Conservative shul. Ashkenazi design, but I could be tempted to something more modern if it includes a depiction of the Montefiore Windmill? Thanks, John W.
In strictly traditional Orthodox Ashkenazi congregations just about everyone wears a black-striped tallit. In a Sephardic congregation a lot of people have a custom to wear a white-striped tallit.

In a Modern Orthodox congregation you see a fair amount of variety. A blue-striped tallit is not going to stand out at all. And sometimes you'll encounter fairly colorful designs.
In a Conservative congregation the tallit designs tend to be -- I guess you'd have to say less conservative -- on the more modern end of the spectrum and some of the congregants will wear the narrow type of tallit (sizes 18, 24 and 36) that does not cover the back.
The closest we could come to the Montefiore Windmill would be this atara (neckband), which we could add to just about any tallit we sell.

Go to Classic Tallits>>
Go to Modern Tallits>>

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