I have written on the topic of women and tallit wearing, and women and tzitzit elsewhere...
Recently I came across a really wild -- and mistaken -- application of the concept of tzitzit on women. Every once in a while I see an unusual garment that would require tzitzit, but it never occurred to me that an apron is among them. But the mitzvah to attach tzizit only applies if you have more fabric than open space on the shoulders, i.e. if there are just strips of cloth on the shoulders, the mitzvah of tzitzit does not apply.
Recently I came across a fabulous apron by a talented designer who seems to be a bit misguided, because she went and attached tzitzit (!) to the otherwise fabulous apron she designed (see photo).
As long as we're on the subject, Rabbi Moshe Feinstein
zt"l wrote a responsum on a closely related topic decades ago, but his words continue to resonate.
Rav Moshe Feinstein on Women and Tallits>>
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