Typically velvet challah covers employ very traditional conservative designs, although in recent years glued-on decorative elements have become popular, adding a bit of flare.
In contrast, modern challah covers are typically made of cotton/polyester cloth, raw silk or silk. A white base color is most common, but you will also find plenty of contemporary designs with dark base colors.
In recent years, challah cover makers, such as A.N.A.E.L and Gamuza, have introduced leather and linen into their repertoire. Both tend to feature much simpler - even start - designs with only two or three colors. It's a bit hard to say whether they should be classified as "classic" or "modern."
Probably the widest selection of modern challah covers is made by Yair Emanuel Judaica. Their collection includes silk, raw silk, faux leather and linen. Almost all of the designs can safely be considered modern.
Other Israeli designers include Ronit Gur, Dorit Judaica, Barbara Shaw, Jordana Klein, Goren Judaica and hundreds of small artisans featured on Etsy.