I would like to order the Prima A.A. black-striped tallit as a gift for my husband's birthday. Could you explain the different thicknesses for us to make a choice? He seems to feel that the thin would be too lightweight. We live in the US, in a Virginia suburb of Washington, DC.
Gayle W.
we get the opposite request, e.g., "I live in Florida. It's hot and steamy
here. I need a lightweight tallit." So I point him to the Tashbetz,
Bareket or Kalil.
when it's cold, the truth is that a heavy tallit is not going to keep you warmer than a
standard weight tallit. However, some people just like to feel the
weight of the tallit on their shoulders. I'm one of them, so my Shabbos
tallit is a bit thick and heavy. It takes up more space when folded, but
I can live with that.
In Gayle's case, I recommended she go with one of the following options:
- Prima A.A. with a lining and maybe sidebands.
- Kmo Turkish, which comes with lining and sidebands standard. The tallit fabric is a bit heavier that the Prima A.A.
- Hamefoar Prestige, which is the same as the Kmo Turkish, but with a slightly textured fabric that helps the tallit stay in place on the shoulders and has a nice, supple feel.
You might also want to refer to this tallit weight comparison table.
Thinking of buying a shofar?